padme.jpgPadme Nina Livingstone is the Director of A Quieter Place: Practical Meditation for Living Your Life. She has a B.S. in Human Services and extensive experience with awareness meditation, self-inquiry, parenting, relationship skills, energy work, caregiving, and bereavement. Padme was the Meditation Teacher and Qi Gong Therapist at Equipoise, a complementary health center in Rochester, NY, for two years. She is the meditation teacher for Palliative Care at Strong Memorial Hospital, as well as a Hospice Chaplain, practicing primarily with family and friends.

Padme volunteers as an facilitator of the Pachamama Alliance which is working in 82 countries toward a world that is just, sustainable, and fulfilling for everyone. She supports all the work of the M.K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence in Rochester, NY as it helps create a more peaceful community using Restorative Justice Principles,  and attends to other important social justice issues. 

As a meditation teacher and author, Padme has spent much of her life untangling her own confusion, while finding balance around her physical, mental, emotional and spiritual life. After more than 36 years of meditation and self-inquiry, and over 18 years of energy healing work, Padme discusses meditation, relationships, and energy healing using accessible, practical language with people who want to feel less stress, and enjoy more peace, clarity, compassion, curiosity, honesty, and gratitude.

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